Pharma Focus Asia

Pharma Articles

Articles on key issues related to the pharma industry from the heads of leading pharmaceutical companies and pharma industry experts across the globe. The pharma industry articles' section focuses on current and emerging issues in areas such as Strategic developments in the pharma industry, pharmaceutical R&D, drug discovery, clinical trials, pharmaceutical manufacturing, biopharmaceuticals, and information technology.

Accelerating the Medical Writing Process with Automation From research to publication

The Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences industry has seen a constant growth in the need for medical writing The global medical writing market was valued at US billion in and is expected to reach US billion in growing at a Compound Annual Growth Rate CAGR of per cent Patents have been expiring

Perspectives on the Vaccine Industry

Asia-Pacific Region
Article talks about the key findings on the study conducted by Merck on the future of vaccine manufacturing in the AsiaPacific region

Mussel-inspired Bio-adhesives

Enhancing Topical Drug Delivery For Dermatological Applications
Musselinspired bioadhesive gels utilising catecholcontaining compounds provide strongand reversible adhesion to the skin They enhance drug retention enabling sustained releasefor applications in wound healing scar management and targeted transdermal drug delivery in dermatology

Therapeutic Peptides

Medicine's new frontier for targeted treatment
Therapeutic peptides are a promising frontier in precise medicine leveraging unique properties for targeted treatment Advancements in production modification and delivery have surmounted challenges Originating from human hormones and natural sources peptides hold potential for various conditions inc...

Demystifying Lead-time bias and Length-time bias in Clinical Trials

The use of timetoevent analysis is common in clinical research The interpretation of timetoevent analysis can often be misleading Beginners and early career researchers struggle to grasp the concepts and nuances in a timetoevent analysis

Determinants of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Research in South East Asia

In the year Alexander Fleming made an outstanding medical history by discovering penicillin which helped to combat numerous deadly infections which previously had serious consequences upon human lives

The Emergence of Organ-on-chips for Diseases Studies and Drug Development

In recent years Organonchips OOC attracted large interest as a new enabling technology to better understand human pathophysiological mechanisms and develop new drug treatments

Design of Self-antibacterial and Biocompatible Titanium Surfaces for Biomedical Applications

Metals and alloys are the first generation bioinert biomaterials These materials possess excellent mechanical strength low elastic modulus and good corrosion resistance Titanium Ti and its alloys are one of the commonly used metallic biomaterials for orthopedic applications eg bone plates screws den...

The Past, Present, and Future of Sickle-cell Disease Registries: Findings from a Global Review

Patient registries are important tools in the healthcare system for systematically collecting data over time from a population living with a certain disease condition or exposure Welldesigned and wellexecuted patient registries hold great potential in providing important disease insights into for e...

Lipid Excipients and Formulation Development

An overview
The successful introduction of commercial lipidic formulations of cyclosporine as Sandimmune in followed by its reformulation as Neoral has raised interest of the lipidbased drug delivery technology over the past two decades With a greater understanding of the various functions lipids may have in b...
magazine-slider-imageCytiva - Supor Prime filtersMFA + MMA 2024CPHI Korea 2024CHEMICAL INDONESIA 2024World Orphan Drug Congress Europe 2024INALAB 2024Thermo Fisher - Drug Discovery and the impact of mAbsAdvanced Therapies USA 2024ISPE Singapore Affiliate Conference & Exhibition 20242024 PDA Cell and Gene Pharmaceutical Products Conference 2024 PDA Aseptic Manufacturing Excellence Conference2024 PDA Aseptic Processing of Biopharmaceuticals Conference