Pharma Focus Asia



Pages: 300

Publisher: Springer Cham

Year of Publication: 2023

Author(s) : Dov Greenbaum

Book Description:

Cyberbiosecurity applies cybersecurity research to the field of biology, and, to a lesser degree, applies biological principles to the field of cybersecurity. As biologists increasingly research, collaborate, and conduct research online, cyberbiosecurity has become crucial to protect against cyber threats. This book provides an overview of cyberbiosecurity through the lens of researchers in academia, industry professionals, and government, in both biology and cybersecurity fields. The book highlights emerging technologies, and identifies emerging threats connected with these technologies, while also providing a discussion of the legal implications involved.

This book takes on a multidisciplinary approach, and appeals to both professionals and researchers in the synthetic biology, bioinformatics, and cybersecurity fields.

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