Pharma Focus Asia

Evidence‐Based Neurological Disorders

Evidence‐Based Neurological Disorders

Pages: 552

Publisher: Jenny Stanford Publishing

Year of Publication: 2024

Author(s) : Sushil Kumar Upadhyay, Siddhartha Dan, Sheikh Abid Ali

Book Description:

Neurology is one of the most fascinating areas of medical science and general biology but it has traditionally been limited to some dedicated aspects only. However, modern neuroscience has embarked on exciting and diverse frontiers related to the causes, diagnosis, and treatment of neurological disease and nowadays, neurology has become multidisciplinary. There are many books available that deal with only one key concept of neurology but a book with a multidisciplinary approach is lacking so far.

This book emphasizes all the conventional and applied divisions associated with neurology in reference to medical physiology and general biology and covers all aspects to integrate the topics of inter-related approaches. It provides complete information on each aspect of neurodegenerative disorders and brain injury, including autonomic nervous system, neuro-oncology, cerebellar ataxias, spinal cord disorders, neuro-ophthalmic disorders, and neuro-otological disorders such as dizziness, vertigo, imbalance, and hearing impairments, in a concise and informative way. It highlights the challenges related to neurological disorders along with their ongoing molecular mechanisms and treatments. The book provides simple and reader-friendly representations and artwork that will help in understanding the concepts.

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