Pharma Focus Asia

Exosomes Based Drug Delivery Strategies for Brain Disorders

Exosomes Based Drug Delivery Strategies for Brain Disorders

Pages: 451

Publisher: Springer Singapore

Year of Publication: 2024

Author(s) : Neeraj Mishra, Sumel Ashique, Ashish Garg, Vadivalagan Chithravel, Krishnan Anand

Book Description:

This book provides a comprehensive overview of the role of exosomes in brain diseases, including stroke, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, epilepsy, and depression. It covers the basics of exosome biogenesis, composition, and synthesis, as well as the therapeutic potential of exosomes in brain disorders. The correlation between exosomes and neuroinflammation, the challenges of using exosomes as a novel carrier, and engineered exosomes to deliver therapeutic protein are covered well in this book. Use of radiolabelled exosomes as a diagnostic tool and the toxicity studies of exosomes with potential overcome approaches. It is an essential resource for researchers, clinicians, and healthcare professionals working in the field of exosome research, especially on its applications in brain disorders.

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