Pharma Focus Asia

Immune landscape of pancreatic cancer development and drug resistance

Immune landscape of pancreatic cancer development and drug resistance

Pages: 330

Publisher: Elsevier US

Year of Publication: 2024

Author(s) : Farran, Nagaraju

Book Description:

Immune Landscape of Pancreatic Cancer Development and Drug Resistance explores advances in immune-based therapies aimed at harnessing the power of the immune system against pancreatic cancer and rewiring tumor microenvironments to eradicate pancreatic cells. With a strong focus on the development of therapeutic methods to improve the survival rates of pancreatic cancer, this book also shows the latest trends in immune targeted approaches for pancreatic cancer treatment. In 12 chapters, the book discusses our current understanding of PC development and its various mutational and immune features and explore some of the new immune-based therapies aimed at targeting pancreatic cancer. This book is a valuable resource for health professionals, scientists and researchers, students, and all those who wish to broaden their knowledge of advances in immunotherapy in pancreatic cancer.

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