Pharma Focus Asia

XtalPi and the University of Hong Kong's Advanced Biomedical Instrumentation Centre Establish Collaboration to Accelerate Deep Tech Commercialization

Monday, November 27, 2023

XtalPi Inc. and the Advanced Biomedical Instrumentation Centre (ABIC) at the University of Hong Kong (HKU) have established a memorandum of understanding (MoU) detailing plans for scientific collaboration and the commercialization of advanced technology developed by ABIC researchers globally.

XtalPi is recognized as a leading global technology company, known for its proficiency in integrating physics-based computation, artificial intelligence (AI), and robotics to drive the discovery of groundbreaking medicines and materials. According to the MoU, XtalPi will evaluate the commercial potential of ABIC's technology and intellectual property (IP) portfolio, originating from scientific teams at ABIC affiliated with prestigious academic institutions in Hong Kong and the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. The global team at XtalPi will take the lead in commercializing selected ABIC technologies and facilitating knowledge exchange with ABIC researchers for product development and commercialization. This collaboration emphasizes XtalPi's commitment to translating fundamental scientific research into impactful business solutions for the biotech and life science industries in Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area.

ABIC, leveraging XtalPi's global expertise, aims to enhance collaboration between research organizations and commercialization-driven groups. The partnership will bring together engineers, scientists, and clinicians at ABIC to develop next-generation diagnostic and therapeutic technologies that are affordable and will have a significant impact on healthcare in Asia and beyond.

ABIC and Professor of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at HKU, expressed enthusiasm about the partnership, stating, "We are enthusiastic about partnering with XtalPi to uncover commercial opportunities for our technology portfolio. XtalPi's robust expertise in therapeutic discovery and development, engineering, and AI will benefit ABIC's research and IP strategies to better address business demands. We eagerly anticipate a close collaboration with XtalPi to transition groundbreaking scientific research into tangible industrial applications."

ABIC and Mallinckrodt Professor of Physics and Applied Physics at Harvard University, added, "We are excited about working with a global technology platform company like XtalPi, which has established a strong global footprint and a deep understanding of how to evaluate and commercialize early-stage technologies. We are looking forward to working closely with XtalPi's global teams of scientific and business leaders to bring our scientific discoveries to the market."

XtalPi, commented, "ABIC offers an impressive, unique portfolio of technologies developed by elite researchers from top institutions. Our team is eager to drive the translation of scientific concepts into products that can positively impact the health of individuals globally." Dr. Wen also emphasized XtalPi's unwavering belief in Hong Kong's role as a crucial hub in the biotech industry and expressed commitment to fostering collaborations with esteemed research institutions like ABIC to harness synergies between academia and the industrial sector.



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